More GameStops Possible As Small Investors Flex Muscles – #stocks chatter


More GameStops Possible As Small Investors Flex Muscles
“The cat’s out of the bag on the populism message-board trader,” said Ross Mayfield, investment strategist at Baird. “I think it will pop up again, where and when and in what (stock) I’m not sure. I do think the larger movement is here to stay.”

We know where it’s popping up ….. r/macarmybets

The market is convinced that Amazon (AMZN) is going to kill malls, and as a result, it is pricing Macerich for failure. Its share price is down by nearly 90% over the past years, and as a result, MAC is now valued at just 3.5x normalized cash flow and an 80% discount to our long-term estimate of NAV.

We don’t believe this. We believe in 🍔🍔🍔

Save our malls!!!

Come join us at r/macarmybets 🍔🍔🍔

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