Biotech penny stock trading at nearly half its price target set to announce earnings after March 2nd market close – #stocks chatter


Biotech penny stock trading at nearly half its price target set to announce earnings after March 2nd market close
Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (RIGL). Currently sitting at $4.45 while its PTs range from 7-11, 100% Buy. These guys have had a lot of positive announcements lately including:

* A deal with Eli Lilly on an autoimmune therapy that includes an up-front payment that is roughly equal to their last four years of revenue and additional milestone payments that exceed their current market cap.
* An award from the U.S. Department of Defense to support Rigel’s trial to evaluate one of their drugs in the treatment of COVID-19.
* Fast track designation from the FDA for a drug that is in a Phase 3 trial to treat a rare blood disorder.

Not a lot of times you can find a penny bio with real revenue (and strong growth), plenty of cash, and a strong pipeline. This could lift off today if they announce strong results or drop more positive news.

Disclaimer: not investment advice, currently holding RIGL shares


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