Great news for $OPTT and $CWGYF – US Dept of Energy Wave/Ocean/Marine Energy Update – THEY LOVE IT – #stocks chatter


Great news for $OPTT and $CWGYF – US Dept of Energy Wave/Ocean/Marine Energy Update – THEY LOVE IT
The US Department of Energy released this study last week: [\_3.pdf](

With in that study they point out that ocean derived energy could support nearly 60% of the US energy needs and showed several ways in which the energy from our rivers and oceans could be harnessed to lower our fossil fuel dependancy. A 48 page study outlining how GREAT these kinds of energy sources are does not get paid for and published by the US Department of Energy unless they find it to be an extremely attractive option. Read it yourself and make your own judgements, but to me this is a very telling study and should be taken as a reason to invest in these kinds of energy conversion. I already own stock in $OPTT and $CWGYF, both of whom are already working with government entities and militaries, but I’m sure there are other companies out there to back as well.

This kind of energy harnessing has the power to DRASTICALLY change our societies and with the US Department of Energy backing it, I don’t see interest in advancing it going away anytime soon.

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