Jack Ma could be fined Miltimillion dollars on ALIBABA Baba – #stocks chatter


Jack Ma could be fined Miltimillion dollars on ALIBABA Baba
[China Considering Million-Dollar Fine Against Jack Ma’s Alibaba.](https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/367057)

[*The Wall Street Journal*](https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-regulators-plan-to-tame-tech-giant-alibaba-jack-ma-11615475344), the authorities are considering imposing a fine on the Chinese firm that exceeds the $975 million that Qualcomm Inc. paid in 2015 for anti-competitive practices. To date, Qualcomm’s fine has been the largest in China’s corporate history.

Jack Ma, one of China’s richest men, criticized his country’s banking system during an event in Shanghai. Since then, the Chinese government has scrutinized his business more than ever.

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