Premium Post: MDJM Ltd (STOCK: $MDJH) Is Our Nasdaq Listed Golden Cross Alert


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Premium Post: MDJM Ltd (STOCK: $MDJH) Is Our Nasdaq Listed Golden Cross Alert
Act fast and get MDJM Ltd. (MDJH) on your screen!

This low-float NASDAQ listed alert has a history of monster breakouts, and its chart is forming a “Golden Cross.”

The Company witnessed a revenue increase of +3.3% YoY, and appears to gearing up for and even more successful 2021!

MDJH Bullish Catalysts:

Chart is forming a “Golden Cross.” The golden cross is a chart pattern that is a bullish signal in which a relatively short-term moving average crosses above a long-term moving average. The golden cross is a bullish breakout pattern formed from a crossover involving a security’s short-term moving average (such as the 15-day moving average) breaking above its long-term moving average (such as the 50-day moving average) or resistance level .
Has Increased sales YoY.
Has an extremely thin float of 1.46M.
Well recorded history of single-session breakouts
If the reopening trade is dead, the real estate sector, which finally closed above pre-Covid levels this past week, didn’t get the message. Further gains could be ahead.


With branch offices in Tianjin, Chengdu, Suzhou, and Yangzhou, China, MDJH provides primary real estate agency services to real estate developer clients, as well as as-needed real estate consulting and independent training services. The Company also provides tourism development services, including real estate marketing and planning services, real estate agency services, and advertisement planning services. [/s2If]
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