Fastly drops 27% after release of Q1-21 results – Price roller coaster – #stocks chatter


Fastly drops 27% after release of Q1-21 results – Price roller coaster
Fastly released its Q1-21 performance on Thursday, after which the stock price dropped a whopping 27%. The company generated revenues of $84.9 million (35% YoY) vs. $85.1 million market consensus. Net loss per share was $0.12 vs. an expected $0.11.

These are not big misses but make the company one of the few high-growth cloud players that underperformed market expectations.

However, the company also lowered its guidance for Q2: Fastly forecasts revenues of $84 – $87 million and a net loss of $0.16 – $0.19 per share, compared to the market consensus of $92 million in revenue and a net loss of $0.08 per share, thereby disappointing investors.

Lastly, Adriel Lares will step down as CFO of the company after 5 years.

[Shareholder letter](

The company is now trading at a PPS of $42, compared to its high of $119 only 3 months ago, representing a TEV / NTM revenue multiple of 11.9x.

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