💔💍🥀 Lowest number of #divorces relative to the population: 🇲🇹 Malta, 🇮🇪 Ireland


💔💍🥀 Lowest number of #divorces relative to the population:
🇲🇹 Malta, 🇮🇪 Ireland (0.7 per 1 000 persons)
🇸🇮 Slovenia (1.2)
🇮🇹 Italy (1.4)
🇭🇷 Croatia (1.5)
🇱🇻 Latvia, 🇱🇹 Lithuania, 🇱🇺 Luxembourg (all 3.1)
🇨🇾 Cyprus (2.6)
🇸🇪 Sweden (2.5)
👉🏾 h/t EU_Eurostat

💔💍🥀 Lowest number of #divorces relative to the population:
🇲🇹 Malta, 🇮🇪 Ireland

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