Market Update: Macau Tourist Arrivals Continue Recovery Path in April


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Market Update: Macau Tourist Arrivals Continue Recovery Path in April
Visitor arrivals in Macau surged 7098.8% percent year-on-year to 794,819 in April of 2021, following a 255.4 percent growth in the previous month, the third consecutive month of increases and the largest inflow of visitors since the onset of the pandemic. Overnight visitors and same-day visitors soared 6959.0 percent and 7290.3 percent, respectively. Visitors from Mainland China were up 6861.3 percent to 730,934, with 300,467 traveling under the Individual Visit Scheme. Meantime, tourists from Hong Kong rebounded to 56,760 (a 17,204.9 percent increase), while Taiwanese visitors rose to 7,091 (a 3,276.7 percent growth). source: Statistics and Census Service, Government of Macao SAR [/s2If]
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