Rise of carbon dioxide prices in Europe – #stocks chatter


Rise of carbon dioxide prices in Europe
Since the beginning of the year, the price of carbon has jumped more than 70 percent, reaching levels of over 55 euros per tonne. The direct causes of the increase are:

1. Added oversight.
2. The enshrining in the law of the ambitious target of reducing gas emissions by 55 percent by the end of the decade.

The trend (price increase) can be seen intensifying in mid-April and mid-May after the EU announced the submission of the law and the approval of the wording in parliament.

At the same time, the extreme cold wave that hit Europe in early January, and returned in early April, caused increased use of heating solutions that produce significant carbon dioxide emissions. [leading analysts to increase their forecasts](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-17/arctic-blast-will-prop-up-european-energy-prices-into-spring) on the price of Carbon dioxide.

[On May 24–25, the European Council will convene for a special meeting](https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/meetings/european-council/2021/05/24-25/) to discuss the issue of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, and provide further guidance on the issue. It is likely that the meeting will have an impact on the price of carbon.

[Analysts disagree about the rate of growth in the price of carbon](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/18/why-europes-carbon-market-is-experiencing-a-boom-like-never-before.html), Some claim it will continue to climb throughout the year to levels of over 100 euros per tonne, and some claim it will stabilize at around 40 in the coming year but will grow slowly until it at least doubles by the end of the decade.

source: [https://blog.tradint.io/whats-driving-the-huge-jump-in-carbon-dioxide-prices-in-europe-this-year-6af1c37fac26](https://blog.tradint.io/whats-driving-the-huge-jump-in-carbon-dioxide-prices-in-europe-this-year-6af1c37fac26)

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