Market Update: Taiwan Industrial Output Growth Eases in April


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Market Update: Taiwan Industrial Output Growth Eases in April
Industrial output in Taiwan went up 13.62 percent from a year earlier in April of 2021, following a downwardly revised 16.06 percent jump in the previous month. It was the 15th straight month of growth in industrial activity, as production continued to advance in manufacturing (14.24 percent vs 17.24 percent in March), in mining & quarrying (5.13 percent vs 12.17 percent), and electricity & gas supply (7.00 percent vs 2.04 percent). On the other hand, output continued to decline for water supply (-2.42 percent vs -1.07 percent). On a seasonally adjusted monthly basis, industrial production contracted a softer 1.27 percent, after an upwardly revised 1.46 percent drop in the prior month. source: Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan [/s2If]
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