Market Update: Taiwan Retail Sales Jump the Most in Over 10 Years


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Market Update: Taiwan Retail Sales Jump the Most in Over 10 Years
Retail sales in Taiwan jumped 18.27 percent year-on-year in April of 2021, following a 12.50 percent gain in the previous month. It was the fastest expansion in retail activity since January of 2011, benefitted by a low base year effect due to lockdown restrictions a year ago. The highest increases were recorded in textiles & clothing (55.11 percent vs 42.15 percent in March); fuel & related products (54.83 percent vs 22.62 percent); household appliances & goods (35.63 percent vs 17.95 percent); cultural & recreation goods (16.94 percent vs 26.37 percent); and in general merchandise stores (16.69 percent vs 5.29 percent). On a monthly basis, retail sales advanced 0.70 percent. source: Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. [/s2If]
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