Market Update: Brazil FGV Consumer Confidence at 5-Month High


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Market Update: Brazil FGV Consumer Confidence at 5-Month High
The seasonally adjusted FGV Consumer Confidence index in Brazil increased to 76.2 in May of 2021 from 72.5 in April, reaching the highest level in 5 months. Consumers became less pessimistic regarding their current (+4.2 to 68.7) and future (+3.2 to 82.4) situation. The gauge for the current economic situation of the country also improved (+2.3 to 73.9) and expectations for the economic situation reached the highest since October (at 109.6). Still, expectations for the financial situation of households in the coming months were unchanged (86.4) and the momentum for consumption remains very low (+0.4 to 53.5). [/s2If]
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