Market Update: Finnish Jobless Rate Rises to 11-Month High


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Market Update: Finnish Jobless Rate Rises to 11-Month High
Finland’s unemployment rate increased to 9.0 percent in April of 2021 from 8.0 percent in the same month the previous year. It was the highest jobless rate since May last year, as the number of unemployed increased by 30 thousand to 244 thousand while the number of employed advanced by 29 thousand to 2.475 million. The unemployment rate for people aged 15 to 24 stood at 25.7 percent, which was 0.7 percentage points higher than one year previously. The activity rate was up to 66.0 percent in April from 64.4 percent a year earlier, and the employment rate rose to 70.1 percent from 69.6 percent. source: Statistics Finland [/s2If]
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