Market Update: Malaysia Leading Economic Index RIses the Most in 8 Months


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Market Update: Malaysia Leading Economic Index RIses the Most in 8 Months
Malaysia’s leading economic index increased by 1.8 percent month-over-month in March 2021, the highest since last July, accelerating from 1.1 percent a month earlier. The gains was contributed by real money supply M1 (0.3 percent vs 0.3 percent in February), real imports of other basic precious & other non-ferrous metals (0.8 percent vs 0.6 percent), number of companies register (0.4 percent vs 0.6 percent), number of housing units improved (0.6 percent vs -0.2 percent), real imports of semi conductor (0.1 percent vs 0.1 percent). Meanwhile, bursa Malaysia Industrial Index went down 0.4 percent, after declining by 0.3 percent in the previous month. Year-on-year, the index surged by 17.3 percent in March, following an 8.6 percent rise in the prior month. Meanwhile, the coincident index, which measures the overall current economic performance edged up 0.1 percent month-on-month in March, easing from a 3.1 percent growth in February. source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia [/s2If]
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