Market Update: Bosnia Industrial Output Growth at New 12-1/2-Year High


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Market Update: Bosnia Industrial Output Growth at New 12-1/2-Year High
Industrial production in Bosnia and Herzegovina surged 25.5 percent year-on-year in April of 2021, after a 15.1 percent jump in March and reaching a new high since December 2008. Output expanded faster for manufacturing (33.5 percent vs 20.2 percent in March), particularly for tobacco products (159.1 percent vs 5.7 percent) and furniture (141.9 percent vs 48 percent; and electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning supply (24.8 percent vs 9.3 percent). On the other hand, mining & quarrying output plummeted (-14.5 percent vs -0.3 percent). On a seasonally adjusted monthly basis, industrial production went up 1.3 percent, after an upwardly revised 1.7 percent gain in March. Considering the first four months of the year, industrial output advanced 11.5 percent. source: Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency for Statistics (BHAS) [/s2If]
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