Home market EconomicsData Market Update: Swiss Posts Smallest Trade Surplus in 4 Months

Market Update: Swiss Posts Smallest Trade Surplus in 4 Months

Market Update: Swiss Posts Smallest Trade Surplus in 4 Months

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Market Update: Swiss Posts Smallest Trade Surplus in 4 Months
Switzerland’s trade surplus narrowed to CHF 3.29 billion in April of 2021 from CHF 3.88 billion in the previous month. It was the smallest trade surplus since last December, amid the pandemic crisis. Exports showed no growth at CHF 20 billion. Exports rose for machines and electronics, watches, precision instruments, and metals, while fell for chemical & pharmaceutical products. Among key trade partners, exports increased to Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK and the EU, while decreased to the US and China. Meanwhile, imports advanced 3.5 percent to CHF 16.75 billion led by chemical & pharmaceutical products, machines and electronics, metals, and energy. Imports were up from the US, Hong Kong, and the EU, while declined from China. Considering the first four months of the year, the trade surplus widened to CHF 14.57 billion from CHF 12.63 billion in the same period of 2020. source: Federal Customs Administration [/s2If]
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