Market Update: Chile Trade Surplus Narrows in May


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Market Update: Chile Trade Surplus Narrows in May
Chiles trade surplus narrowed to USD 1,314 million in May of 2021 from USD 2,089 million in the same period of the previous year. Imports surged 75 percent to USD 6,606 million, driven by purchases of consumer goods (117.9 percent); intermediate goods (65.7 percent) and capital goods (52.3 percent). At the same time, exports advanced at a slower 35% to USD 7,920 million, mainly boosted by shipments of mining products (66.8 percent), namely copper (69.9 percent) as prices for the red metal soared to record highs. Conversely, decreases were seen in sales of manufactured products (-1.1 percent) and agricultural, forestry & fishing goods (-13.5 percent). source: Banco Central de Chile [/s2If]
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