Market Update: Russia Inflation Rate Quickens to Near 5-Year High


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Market Update: Russia Inflation Rate Quickens to Near 5-Year High
Consumer prices in Russia jumped 6.0 percent in May of 2021, following a 5.5 percent increase in the previous month and rose faster than market expectations of a 5.8 percent hike. The latest reading remained well above the central bank’s 4% target and it was the highest inflation rate since October of 2016, mainly driven by prices of food (7.4 percent), non-food products (6.7 percent), and lastly, services (3.3 percent). On a monthly basis, consumer prices went up 0.7 percent, following a 0.6 percent advance in April and compared to forecasts of a 0.6 percent rise. source: Federal State Statistics Service [/s2If]
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