Market Update: Seychelles May Inflation Rate Highest Since 2009


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Market Update: Seychelles May Inflation Rate Highest Since 2009
Consumer prices in Seychelles went up 11.37 percent year-on-year in May of 2021, its highest rate since October 2009. Inflation rose for food (19.0 percent), mainly pushed up by prices of meat (30.13 percent) and for non-food products (10.50 percent), in particular those of health (22.3 percent), furnishing (18.88 percent), transport (16.15 percent), housing & utilities (15.88 percent) and recreation & culture (15.44 percent). Meanwhile , communication prices declined 2.24 percent. On a monthly basis, consumer prices were up 0.53 percent, following a 0.4 percent gain in the previous month. source: National Bureau of Statistics, Seychelles [/s2If]
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