Market Update: Japan Current Account Surplus Surges in April


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Market Update: Japan Current Account Surplus Surges in April
Japan’s current account surplus soared to JPY 1,321.8 billion in April of 2021 from JPY 206.47 billion in the same month of the previous year and compared with market expectations of a surplus of JPY 1,500.6 billion. The goods account surplus shifted to a surplus of JPY 2,895 billion from a deficit of JPY 9,269 a year earlier, as exports jumped 38 percent while imports went up 21.2 percent. Also, the primary income surplus rose to JPY 21,653 billion from JPY 20,277 billion. On the other hand, the services account shortfall widened to JPY 9,548 billion from JPY 7,878 billion in the prior year, and the secondary income gap increased to JPY 1,881 billion from JPY 1,066 billion. source: Ministry of Finance, Japan [/s2If]
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