Market Update: Sri Lanka Tourist Arrivals Slump 97% in Jan-May


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Market Update: Sri Lanka Tourist Arrivals Slump 97% in Jan-May
The total number of international tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka during May 2021 was 1,497, and during the first five months of the year, it was 15,294, down by 97.0 percent year-on-year. Sri Lanka reopened its boarders on 21st January 2021, following a 10-month pandemic-induced closure since 18th March 2020. China was the largest source of tourist traffic to Sri Lanka in the month of May with 15.8 percent of the total traffic, followed by Germany (14.8 %), the US (10.2%), the UK (10.0%), and Russia (6.3%). Visitors from Europe became the largest source of tourists to Sri Lanka with 48.5 percent of total arrivals in May, while that of Asia Pacific accounted 31.3 percent of total arrivals. source: Ceylon Tourist Board [/s2If]
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