Kontrol BioCloud to provide real-time viral detection technology for the Canadian Olympic Committee at Tokyo 2020 – #stocks chatter


Kontrol BioCloud to provide real-time viral detection technology for the Canadian Olympic Committee at Tokyo 2020
Yesterday Kontrol Technologies announced that Kontrol BioCloud covid-detection units will accompany the Canadian Olympic Committee to Tokyo to help keep them SAFE… What other countries’ teams may have the benefit of this technology remains to be seen with Canada leading the way!

“These safe space technology units will be used at the Olympic Games within Team Canada’s residential areas including the Athletes’ Village.

“Protecting the health and safety of Team Canada, which has always been a top priority, needs innovative solutions in our current global context,” says Dr. Mike Wilkinson, Team Canada’s Chief Medical Officer. “The addition of Kontrol BioCloud really complements the stringent protocols put in place by the COC, International Olympic Committee and Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee to protect the health and safety of our team. This technology provides another layer of protection with air quality monitoring so that our athletes can focus on their pursuit of the podium.”

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