Market Update: El Salvador Inflation Rate Eases in May


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Market Update: El Salvador Inflation Rate Eases in May
El Salvador consumer prices climbed 2.59 percent year-on-year in May of 2021, easing from a nine-year high of 2.79 percent hit in the previous month. Main upward pressure came from prices in transports (11.05 percent vs 10.55 percent in April) and housing & utilities (4.36 percent vs 5.07 percent). Smaller inflationary pressures came from costs of furnishings and household equipment & maintenance (3.68 percent vs 3.38 percent), recreation & culture (1.34 percent vs 0.96 percent), restaurants & hotels (2.68 percent vs 2.40 percent), and apparel & footwear (2.73 percent vs 2.32 percent). Meanwhile, food & non-alcoholic beverages prices fell further (-0.87 percent vs -0.04 percent). On a monthly basis, consumer prices inched higher 0.03 percent, following a 0.64 percent increase in the prior month. source: Dirección General de Estadística y Censos – DIGESTYC [/s2If]
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