Market Update: Peru Leaves Key Interest Rate at 0.25%


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Market Update: Peru Leaves Key Interest Rate at 0.25%
The central bank of Peru left the benchmark interest rate unchanged at 0.25 percent on June 10th of 2021, together with liquidity injections in order to continue with its expansionary monetary policy. Policymakers observed a 2.5 percent year-on-year rise in consumer prices in May, following a 2.4 percent advance in the prior month, citing factors on the supply curve. Additionally, the inflation outlook is expected to remain within the target range through 2021 and 2022. The central bank also said leading economic indicators showed signs of recovery in May, and expected faster growth rates in the world economy for the coming quarters, amid the ramp up in the vaccination rollout and stimulus packages in developed countries. The Board concluded it would keep its accommodative monetary stance for as long as the side effects of the pandemic on inflation persists. source: Central Reserve Bank of Peru [/s2If]
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