Market Update: Slovenia Industrial Output Grows at Record Pace


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Market Update: Slovenia Industrial Output Grows at Record Pace
Industrial production in Slovenia surged 35.9 percent year-on-year in April of 2021, following an upwardly revised 11.5 percent jump in the prior month. The latest reading pointed to the strongest expansion in industrial output on records, due to low base effects, as the pandemic halted economic activity a year earlier. The largest increase was seen in manufacturing production (39.8 percent vs 12.5 percent in March), followed by a rebound in utilities (3.9 percent vs -1.2 percent). On the other hand, mining and quarrying contracted at a faster pace (-16.7 percent vs -0.9 percent). On a seasonally adjusted monthly basis, industrial production went up 1 percent, after rising 0.6 percent in the prior month. source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia [/s2If]
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