Market Update: Irish Trade Surplus Shrinks in April


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Market Update: Irish Trade Surplus Shrinks in April
Ireland’s trade surplus narrowed to EUR 4.36 billion in April of 2021 from EUR 5.77 billion in the corresponding month of the previous year. Exports jumped 10 percent from a year earlier to EUR 12.44 billion, boosted by professional, scientific and controlling apparatus (+30 percent); electrical machinery, appliances and parts (25 percent) and miscellaneous manufactured articles (44 percent). Exports to Great Britain accounted for 8% of total exports and rose by 42 percent from a year earlier. Meantime, imports soared 45 percent to EUR 8.08 billion, due to other transport equipment, including aircraft (108 percent); electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances (204 percent); organic chemicals (99 percent) and petroleum (36 percent). Still, imports from Great Britain dropped 20 percent, mainly due to food and live animals and chemicals and related products. source: Central Statistics Office Ireland [/s2If]
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