Market Update: The JP225 Index dropped 0.94%


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Market Update: The JP225 Index dropped 0.94%
The NIKKEI 225 lost 300.17 points or 1.02% to 28990.84 on Thursday, extending losses of 0.51% in the previous session and retreating further from 5-week highs as risk sentiment soured as the US Federal Reserve set a more hawkish tone and brought forward the time frame on when it will hike interest rates. In local news, the Japanese government is set to decide Thursday to end the COVID-19 state of emergency covering Tokyo, Hokkaido, Osaka and six other prefectures Sunday, while keeping Okinawa under the measure for three more weeks. In local data, the Reuters Tankan index rose 1 point from the previous month to 22 in June, the highest level in more than two years, as strong global demand helped the country’s gradual recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. [/s2If]
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