Market Update: Ducth Household Spending Rises for 1st Time in 14 Months


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Market Update: Ducth Household Spending Rises for 1st Time in 14 Months
The household spending in the Netherlands surged 9.4 percent year-on-year in April of 2021, the first increase in house hold spending since February 2020, and the largest growth, after the second world war, amid the Covid-19 pandemic, partly due to a low base effect. In addition, the terraces were opened on April 28, and from that date also possible to shop without an appointment. Gas consumption also was much higher than a year earlier, as it was much colder. In April, consumers spent more on services (6.7 percent), food (3.4 percent), durable goods (17.3 percent) than the year before. source: Statistics Netherlands [/s2If]
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