$KTRA phase 2 topline results show positive results , check out CEO in this latest interview – #stocks chatter


$KTRA phase 2 topline results show positive results , check out CEO in this latest interview
VAL-083 shows improved effectiveness over the current standard of care to treat GBM. Whats even more promising is that the safety and efficacy of the drug seems to be alot better for patients. In my opinion, if data continues to look this promising over the next few months then chances of FDA approval after phase 3 are HIGH. With a float this low this $2 stock will easily see $100 plus once approved.

More clinical trial data is due in Sept. I believe.

Also, I LOVE this stock & F\*\*K CANCER !

P.S – Big middle finger to the shorts that have relentlessly killed it on every pop. How can you short a cancer treatment especially when its undervalued.

See latest CEO interview here :


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