E3 Metals Corp. (TSXV: ETMC / OTC: EEMMF) Trading at a 70% Discount to its Peers – #stocks chatter


E3 Metals Corp. (TSXV: ETMC / OTC: EEMMF) Trading at a 70% Discount to its Peers
I want to share this report about E3 Metals

A 97% [\#lithium](https://twitter.com/hashtag/lithium?src=hashtag_click) recovery rate is by far the highest in the industry. It implies that DLE technology is the way forward for different types of brine. If this method works in Canada, where lithium concentrations are quite low, it will most likely work in other parts of the world.
Report Highlights:

· Test results from one of its improved sorbents showed lithium recoveries of 97% and removal of 99%+ of critical impurities. These results are very promising for application in batteries.

· E3 and a few other Direct Lithium Extraction (“DLE”) technology owners are vying to be the first commercial producer of lithium from brines. E3 is one of the few companies that own both its technology and resource base. General Motors (NYSE: G.M.) recently announced plans to invest in a privately held lithium junior focused on DLE in California’s Salton Sea geothermal field.

· Battery-grade lithium prices are up 69% in the past six months on stronger demand. We are expecting the lithium market to move to a deficit starting 2024. Orocobre Limited (ASX: ORE / A$2B MCAP) and Galaxy Resources’ (ASX: GXY / $2.4B MCAP) merger signals further consolidation in the space.

· E3’s shares are trading at just US$20 per tonne vs the sector average of US$62. The sector average P/AT-NPV8% is 34% vs E3’s 8%

Want to learn more about E3 Metals’ valuation, ongoing test results, the updated resource, and PFS results.? Read the full report: [https://www.researchfrc.com/e3-metals-corp-tsxv-etmc-otc-eemmf-trading-at-a-70-discount-to-its-peers/](https://www.researchfrc.com/e3-metals-corp-tsxv-etmc-otc-eemmf-trading-at-a-70-discount-to-its-peers/)

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