Maxtech Announces Additional High Grade Assay Results from St Anthony Gold Mine Drill Program – #stocks chatter


Maxtech Announces Additional High Grade Assay Results from St Anthony Gold Mine Drill Program

**Maxtech Ventures Inc.** is pleased to announce assay results from the third diamond drill hole from its Phase One diamond drilling program on the St Anthony gold mine property located in the Kenora-Patricia Mining District, Ontario.

Hole SA21-17 intersected anomalous gold values in five separate intervals over a core length of 149 m. These multiple gold intersections indicate that a much larger gold system is present than originally recognized by previous operators of the property. Hole SA21-17 encountered:

* 11.8 grams per tonne over 1 m at 7.0 m depth including a high of 23.5 grams per tonne over 0.5 m,
* 6.35 grams per tonne over 1 m at a depth of 118 m,
* 18.45 gpt over 0.87 m at a depth of 144 m,
* 2.47 gpt over 0.44 m at a depth of 152.4 m and,
* 19.2 gpt over o.40 m in hanging-wall mafic volcanics at 156.6 m

The St. Anthony Gold Mine is located in the Kenora-Patricia Mining District of Ontario and encompasses four historical mining operations including the largest past-producing mine in the area, the St. Anthony. The mine produced 63,310 ounces of gold from 332,720 tons for an average grade of 5.95 grams per tonne (or 0.191 ounces per ton) up until World War II when gold production was halted.

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