HAVN Life Signs Agreement to Enable Export of Psilocybin into Canada, the US and Europe – #stocks chatter


HAVN Life Signs Agreement to Enable Export of Psilocybin into Canada, the US and Europe

Havn Life Sciences Inc. a biotechnology company pursuing standardized extraction of psychedelic compounds for the creation of APIs that support brain health and enhance the capabilities of the mind, is thrilled to announced a new agreement with P.A. Benjamin Manufacturing Company, a pharmaceutical manufacturing company based in Kingston, Jamaica.

PAB operates a GMP compliant facility and will be contract packing HAVN Life naturally-derived psilocybin, following the necessary protocols to allow for export from Jamaica and import into Canada, the US and Europe. Along with HAVN Life’s collaboration with Hypha Wellness, a Jamaican food and psychoactive mushroom producer, this agreement further reinforces the Company’s commitment to collaboration and long-term industry growth in Jamaica.

“As a new industry it is critical that there is stakeholder partnership and as such the partnership between Jamaican GMP manufacturer, P.A. Benjamins, Hypha Wellness, and HAVN Life Sciences is a step in the right direction” remarks Hon. Floyd Green, MP, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries.

“This partnership with PAB is absolutely key for our ability to supply safe, quality-controlled psilocybin API’s to researchers and patients around the globe,” says HAVN Life CEO, Tim Moore.

Find the full release here at: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/havn-life-signs-agreement-enable-120000422.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/havn-life-signs-agreement-enable-120000422.html)

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