JOBY trading on NYSE – #stocks chatter


JOBY trading on NYSE
Hello,I saw the news of JOBY (think flying Uber) starting trading on the NYSE today.

It seems the company has a partnership with Toyota for mass manufacturing in the future.

They are also backed by and partnering with Uber.

They advertise that their cost per mile is 4x lower than a helicopter (and so are targeting “less rich” people) for quick travel around big congested cities.

As for the market, from 2024, US and EU are obvious targets ofc, but SE Asia and India are still decades away from having efficient transport flows in/out of their big cities, while their economy/demographic is growing. Now China already got a company like that (EHang) so I do not think JOBY will ever get the juicy Chinese market, and this may become a competitor in SE Asia (maybe not India?).

I do not have a very good understanding of their financials, I understand they got a sizable CAPEX and wont make money for at least 3 years.

But also they will also trade carbon credits (like TESLA is doing, to its huge benefit).

What is your take on JOBY? Jump on it and grab as much as possible? Or another beautiful idea which will crash on the wall of reality?

Disclaimer: I just bought some 20 shares of it, like I usually do with promising bets.

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