Newest updates on Alibaba sexual assault incident – #stocks chatter


Newest updates on Alibaba sexual assault incident
On August 14, Jinan Public Police announced the latest progress of “Alibaba female employee being violated” case.

According to the report, through a large number of witness testimonies and the collection of Alibaba’s business trip reporting system information, as well as related electronic data and other evidence, it was not discovered that the victim Zhou was forced to go on this business trip. The diners and restaurant service personnel confirmed that no one was forced to drink alcohol during the business meal. Zhou drank about 350 ml of white wine.

At present, the suspects Wang and Zhang have been taken criminal compulsory measures by the Jinan City Public Police on suspicion of the crime of compulsory indecency. There is no evidence to prove that the crime of rape has occurred. The case is under further investigation.

(source: Beijing Daily)

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