The Montana Deal Is Here. *CLMT* – #stocks chatter


The Montana Deal Is Here. *CLMT*
Roughly two months ago, I posted this to various Reddit stock forums urging people to look into CLMT…


I’m proud to have come through on my promise of the Montana Deal. CLMT is entering full swing into the renewable energy business that was promised in my previous post.


CLMT stock over the past two days has moved up roughly 11% due this news and I can tell you now, it’s only going higher. This is just the beginning for this extremely undervalued ticker. As outlined in my previous linked post, CLMT represents the leading tech in renewable energy, something the future can’t avoid. New information regarding their state of the art tech advances include renewable diesel from oil beans and animal tallow. Aviation fuel from animal fat. Read the link below. U.S targets 2050 bid to wean airlines off fossil fuels. This is the future people, there is no getting away from it. Companies like CLMT are going to be ESSENTIAL to these kind of goals. This stock is going to skyrocket. It’s only a matter of time and with the Montana Deal in place, there is nothing holding this stock back from being a multi-bagger with no ceiling while maintaining a very solid floor.


Investors want to champion class-leading innovation in areas such as clean and renewable energy. This is the company that going to lead us into the future. You can either get in now, or regret it later. It’s just that simple. I’ve been on this ticker for months now, accurately laying out the companies trajectory. The proof is in the pudding as they say.

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