Home market Economy ⚡🏭In 2020, oil was the most important fuel on the #energy consumption side in the EU (35.0% sha

⚡🏭In 2020, oil was the most important fuel on the #energy consumption side in the EU (35.0% sha

⚡🏭In 2020, oil was the most important fuel on the #energy consumption side in the EU (35.0% sha

⚡🏭In 2020, oil was the most important fuel on the #energy consumption side in the EU (35.0% share), followed by electricity (23.2%) and natural gas (21.9%).
🔸#COVID19 related restrictions in 2020 impacted the use of petroleum products (-10.3%).
👉 h/t EU_Eurostat

⚡🏭In 2020, oil was the most important fuel on the #energy consumption side in the EU (35.0% sha

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