Petition against FINRA attempting to regular leveraged + inverse funds + TONS more!!! – #marketnews


As an investor of TQQQ, a 3x leveraged index of QQQ made by ProShares, I received a letter in the mail from ProShares stating that dozens of their insturments, including leveraged and inverse funds are at risk of being regulated by FINRA. What this exactly means I am not sure, but I know for a fact that if we don’t stop these fuckers, we may be permanently kissing goodbye to future gains coming from leveraged, inverse, and tons of other types of indexes. ProShare put up a website which allows us to submit a comment against FINRA as to why we disagree with their choice & how it is unfair: [](

At the bottom of the page, we can see all the indexes at risk. THAT’S A LOT OF INDEXES. Retards, we need to come together to punch these cross-eyed monkeys in the face because we deserve the freedom to invest in ANY INDEX WE WANT! THIS IS THE MARKET! THE MARKET DOES NOT FORGIVE! WE ACKNOWLEDGE THE RISK! WE SHALL NOT BE LIMITED! LETS COME TOGETHER AND SHOW THEM WHOS BOSS!!! SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT!!!!

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