Conspiracy theory time – The institutional players waited until most of the regular people got their tax returns and bought some crypto with it before dumping the market – #cryptospeculation


I find the timing of all this very suspicious. While we can certainly point to a list of reasons on why a downturn was waiting to happen, why did it happen when it did? The war in Ukraine has been going on for a while, the oil wars, inflation, and a slew of other things… but they have all have been processing for a while. Then it hit me, tax season just completed and people were getting their returns. Or at least the people that did get returns as this was a particularly harsh tax season for a lot of investors with December 2021 ending in a high and then January markets hitting a slump. So I know this is pure speculation and will in not be provable, but I’ve almost convinced myself this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. A lot of additional consumer level money entered the market due to tax returns, alot of it going to coins and the stock market, and the big players saw that as the opportunity to cash out and get out of the risk of the bubble before some other situation forced their hands.

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