futures are green – #marketnews


Yo guys, I am in Europe and this post is to tell you to have faith because atm futures are green. Hope to all of you a huge green dildo tomorrow, because we deserve it.

The results from the latest AAII Sentiment Survey show neutral sentiment rebounding from last week’s 18-month low. In addition, optimism continues to be unusually low and pessimism continues to be unusually high. We were, last week, at the lowest level since 2008.

But just so you know historically the S&P 500 index has gone on to realize above-average and above-median returns during the six- and 12-month periods following unusually low readings for bullish sentiment and for the bull-bear spread. Unusually high bearish sentiment readings historically have also been followed by above-average and above-median six-month returns in the S&P 500. (Source: AAII sentiment survey)

Godspeed you all

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