Will the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and is the United Nations report on climate change be ignored or we adapt and change with the future? – #Future


[ https://youtu.be/N0DxuK\_OW14](https://youtu.be/N0DxuK_OW14)

We don’t have a real awareness of the implications of climate change. How these elements could really play together. We need to move together and we need to move fast as the effects of climate change are already being felt. Major changes taking place in the global environment are at the centre of a growing research interest today. They are increasingly attracting attention in national and international environmental politics, as well as in current sociological debates.

Climate change, being a very hot topic, has become a focal point of the IPCC which is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and is the United Nations panel for assessing the science relating to climate change.

Professor Markku Wilenius completed his doctoral thesis on the sociology of climate change in 1997 and started to engage with various topics and clients. He studied and worked on number of topics: the implications of the information society, future of mobile technology, future of food consumption, the role of culture in our economies, the use of innovation and creativity in companies, future of media, future of sustainability and so forth.

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