Chinese trolling groups are actively waging disinformation campaigns regarding non Chinese Rare Earth companies like Lynas Corp. – #marketnews


[The US Department of Defense today reported that Chinese internet troll groups have been recently waging a “disinformation campaign” aimed at turning public sentiment against non-Chinese rare earth miners and processors.]( Why is this a big deal? Because China has a virtual monopoly on the production and processing of rare earth metals and the US government is actively trying to break that monopoly by giving subsidies to Lynas Corp. MP Materials and other companies to develop a domestic rare earth mining and processing industry. Rare earth elements are key components in many military and computing technologies. Every rare earth processing company except Lynas Corp. is based out of China. While MP Materials mines a significant amount of rare earths in the USA, it sends out these rare earths for processing to China. As a result, China has significant leverage of the USA and the rest of the world via its rare earth industry. If a country ticks off China too much, it can punish said country by imposing export tariffs or outright export bans on processed rare earth metal. This is why Lynas Corp. has so much potential. As the only non-chinese processor, no other non-Chinese company in the world has actual experience in processing commercial quanties of rare earths. As a result, the US government has provided tens of millions in subsidies to Lynas to build rare earth processing plants in the USA. Should relations with China deteriorate, Lynas will have immense profits in the event China shuts off rare earth exports. If China is so worried about Lynas that its paying its internet troll army to wage an online campaign against it, that’s only further confirmation of the financial potential out there. [For full disclosure, i’m long Lynas and have been for some time.](

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