“Berkshire Hathaway Boosts Stakes in Japan’s Trading Companies, Fueling Stock Market’s Upward Momentum”



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On Monday, Berkshire Hathaway, the investment company owned by billionaire Warren Buffett, announced that it had increased its stakes in Japan’s five largest trading companies to over 8%, which is expected to further fuel Japan’s stock market’s already upward momentum.

Complete or whole musical note.

The companies that Berkshire is boosting its share in include ITOCHU, MARUBENI, MITSUBISHI, MITSUI, and SUMITOMO.

Berkshire Hathaway presently holds an average ownership interest of over 8.5% in five companies, except for shares of treasury stock.

The plan remains to keep the investments made in Japan for the foreseeable future.

Berkshire Hathaway might consider raising its shares to a maximum of 9.9% in five different investments, taking into account the cost.

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