The leader of Wagner, a private military company, is accused by Russia of inciting an armed rebellion. As a result, tanks have been seen on the streets of Moscow.



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Today, a bid in the oil market occurred late that could potentially be a result of significant events beginning to take place in Russia.

Last week in a video, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of Wagner, seemed to imply that his paramilitary group, which has 25,000 members, was on its way to Moscow to remove the top leadership of the defense ministry.

He stated that those who caused harm to Russian soldiers and ruined their lives will receive punishment. He requested that nobody oppose this action, and warned that anyone who resists will be viewed as a danger and dealt with immediately.

It was not unexpected that Russian officials reacted negatively and today they accused Prigozhin of participating in an armed rebellion.

It seems that they are truly alarmed about a potential civil war, prompted by the statement of the Russian deputy commander, who instructed to halt the columns and send them back to their usual bases.

The FSB of Russia issued a statement advising people not to follow “Illegal and Unsafe Orders from Yevgeny Prigozhin” and to aid in the capture of him and other commanders of Wagner group alongside the Russian Armed Forces and FSB.

Additionally, there are various speculations circulating regarding the situation at the local level.

Keeping a close watch on Russia this weekend is crucial as the outcome could range from insignificance to the possibility of civil war.

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