Prigozhin is planning to depart for Belarus, and the charges against him are expected to be dismissed.



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According to the Kremlin, Yevgeny Prigozhin is set to travel to Belarus following an agreement brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. In return for dropping charges against him, Prigozhin agreed to depart the country.

Dmitry Peskov, who works for the Kremlin, stated that members of the Wagner group who were not involved in the revolt will agree to contracts with the Ministry of Defense, but those who were involved will not face prosecution.

The Ministry of Defense did not give any updates on potential modifications, however, prior speculations indicated that Shoigu could be substituted.

Peskov declared that Putin will not offer any additional statements regarding the matter and that the incursion of Ukraine will carry on as usual.

I would not fully accept any of this until Prigozhin himself admits it, and he will likely feel constantly wary for an extended period of time.

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