Russia is currently experiencing a complete mutiny.



Telegram Group

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Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group, is leading a convoy towards Moscow while parts of the Russian military loyal to the government are attacking the group, indicating the outbreak of a civil war in Russia.

Reports are scattered and unreliable but helicopters are engaging the column and images suggest three of them were shot down. There are scattered videos of battles along the highways and other videos suggesting that other parts of the Russian military have switched sides.

“We will destroy everything around us, we are all ready to die – all 25 thousand, and then another 25 thousand, because the Russian people must be liberated,” said Prigozhin who regularly publishes audio statements on Telegram.

“The entirety of Putin’s speech to the country is presented below:”

This is a very concerning period in the history of the world. I am worried about the extent to which Putin will protect his position, given his frequent allusions to Russian history and the state’s survival.

At first, Wagner’s remarks were focused on the potential changes in the Russian defense ministry, but now they are more frequently aimed at Putin personally.

Undoubtedly, this is a complex and remarkable advancement for Ukraine. Although there have been no signs of alterations at the battlefront, it is reasonable to assume that Ukraine will reorganize and launch an even more vigorous attack, particularly if the Wagner troops (and their supporters) depart.

The range of potential outcomes is so vast that it’s difficult to consider, but I prefer to possess assets that provide security when trading begins.

Telegram Group

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