The decline in holiday travel in China has resulted in a reduction of China flights by Korean airlines due to a decrease in demand and the presence of tension.



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A few things about China and the struggling economic recovery.

According to tourism information mentioned on China’s national television network (CCTV), the recent Dragon Boat Festival holiday travel statistics showed an increase compared to the previous year, but a decrease of 22.8% when compared to the travel numbers from the year 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, two South Korean airlines have decreased the frequency of their flights to and from China due to reduced demand and negative relations between the two nations. According to Yonhap, Korean Air Lines and Asiana Airlines have suspended some of their flights until late October.

As the COVID pandemic fades in China, the markets are closely watching data from the country to gauge the progress of its economy. Additionally, market observers are paying attention to stimulus measures, such as recent policy rate cuts, which were relatively minor. However, more significant fiscal stimulus could address lingering concerns and provide greater relief to the markets.

Currently, China’s leaders are giving greater attention to political matters such as backing Putin and expressing hostility towards Taiwan, rather than the economy.

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