There is currently a large rebellion taking place in Russia.



Telegram Group

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There is currently a civil conflict taking place in Russia, where Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of Wagner Group, is leading a group of travelers towards Moscow. Meanwhile, loyal factions of the Russian military are confronting and fighting against them.

Although the reports are not consistent and trustworthy, helicopters are actively fighting against the group and indications indicate that three of them have been brought down. Videos can be found on various platforms portraying battles occurring along the highways, as well as other videos insinuating that some aspects of the Russian military have defected.

Prigozhin, who frequently posts audio statements on Telegram, declared that they are willing to sacrifice their own lives and demolish everything in their path, including 25,000 people initially and another 25,000 thereafter, with the objective of freeing the Russian people.

“The complete transcript of Putin’s speech to the nation has been released.”

The current stage in global history is extremely unstable. I am concerned about the extent to which Putin may go to protect his standing, given his continual mentions of Russian history and the state’s endurance.

At first, Wagner’s remarks were aimed at the possibility of changes in the Russian defense ministry, but now they’re more frequently targeting Putin himself.

Undoubtedly, this is a complex advancement, however, it presents a remarkable opportunity for Ukraine. Although there have been no modifications to the current battle lines, it’s likely that Ukraine will unify to launch a more forceful offense, particularly if the Wagner group (and those allied with them) retreat.

There are too many potential outcomes to consider, but I strongly prefer to have secure investments when trading begins.

Telegram Group

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