Amazon AWS has created a $100 million innovation center focused on generative AI, which is poised to transform the field of AI.



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AWS has revealed that they will be investing $100 million towards a Generative AI Innovation Center. This approach is aimed at narrowing the communication gap between AWS’s AI and machine learning experts and their clients and associates. Later this year, Amazon will be exposing its specialized large language models, which they hope will become a game-changer for their industry following the new introduction of Generative AI. The potential for innovation and streamlined solutions is assured, with prospecting changes to improve and personalize Alexa’s performance.

Amazon’s stock has reached its highest point since September 15, 2022, with a peak price of $129.92 for the day. As of now, the current trading price is at $129.60, a rise of $4.87 or 3.9%. According to the daily chart, the next significant technical target is at $134.74, which marks the 50% midpoint of the decrease from the 2022 peak.

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