Buckle up boys, EV Bus company Proterra is about to print us some money. – #stocks chatter


Buckle up boys, EV Bus company Proterra is about to print us some money.

The stock just popped 6% after hours after the [Senate proposed $73 billion to shift U.S. to EV transit buses](https://www.reuters.com/business/sustainable-business/senate-democrats-propose-73-billion-shift-us-ev-transit-buses-2021-05-04/)

I bet my options they will be beneficiaries. The stock is undervalued prior to the SPAC IPO. Ultimately, very few companies can compete with the made in America EV mantra.

Here is a short introductory Bloomberg documentary about this stock:

[The Ex-Tesla Executive Electrifying Mass Transit](The Former Tesla Executive Electrifying Mass Transit https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2020-07-16/the-former-tesla-executive-electrifying-mass-transit-video)

A few weeks ago, the President was given a tour of factory. [PROTERRA HOSTS PRESIDENT BIDEN FOR VIRTUAL TOUR OF EV MANUFACTURING FACILITY](https://www.proterra.com/proterra-video/proterra-hosts-president-biden-for-virtual-tour-of-ev-manufacturing-facility/)

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