Market Update: Macau Retail Sales Rebound in Q1


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Market Update: Macau Retail Sales Rebound in Q1
Retail sales in Macau surged 76.4% percent year-on-year in the first quarter of 2021, following an 8.6 percent drop in the previous quarter. It was the first increase in retail trade since the quarter ended December 2019, and the fastest since the series began in 2001, mainly driven by a surge in sales of communication equipment (203.7 percent); leather goods (152.1 percent); furniture & lighting (110.5 percent); department stores (90.1 percent); and watches, clocks & jewellery (114.2 percent). Strong sales performances were also seen in adults clothing (53.1 percent); dried seafood (39.8 percent); and cosmetics & sanitary articles (37.6 percent). On a quarterly basis, retail sales advanced 4.2 percent in the three months ending March 2021. source: Statistics and Census Service, Government of Macao SAR [/s2If]
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